Friday 5 November 2010

More Specific Conventions

Are music video will be a hybrid of several genres. I have done some research by looking at videos from Rock, Pop and a hip hop style genre to find out what the main conventions are and if any of them use the same.

-Tend to be dark lighting and colours, or Evan black or white.
-The Artist or band tends to be shown through out the video.
-Use of extreme close ups and longs shots are more common.
-Dark locations.
-Fast paced.
-Some special effects.

-Location tends to be inside a club or a party.
-Use of alcohol or drugs.
-Recognised Brands of clothing.
-Expensive cars and houses featured.
-Camera shots tend to be long including group shots to show the money of the production involved. Close ups tend to be more of the female characters to show jewellery and rich aspects of the character.
-Well dressed attractive women.
-Rarely Follows a story line.

Pop Music.
-Bright and colourful.
-Close ups to show cheerful upbeat expressions and emotions.
-Extreme close ups to show innocence also.
-Aimed at a teenage audience.
-Nearly always a possative, happy video.

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